Arınç Sönmez

Psikolog, Eğitmen & Yönetici Danışmanı

Kısa Özgeçmiş

Arınç Sönmez, İstanbul Üniversitesi Psikoloji Bölümü’nden mezun olmuştur. Türk Hava Yolları Uçuş Korkusunu Yenme Programının psikoloğunu yapmıştır. Şu ana kadar Ziraat Bankası, Sunexpress, Marmara Belediyeler Birliği, Yeşilay, Doğa Koleji, Kadıköy Belediyesi gibi 100+ organizasyona, 15 farklı ülkede, 40+ konu başlığında eğitimler vermiştir. & Ben Psikoloji Kurucu Ortağı, Sınırları Aşan Gençlik Derneği’nin Kurucu Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, Nevzat Sıkık Kimsesiz Çocuklar Vakfı’nın Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi olarak çalışmalarına devam etmektedir.

2018-2019 Öğrenim Yılında Konuşmacı Olduğu Üniversiteler

Daha Önce Eğitim Verdiği Kurumlar

Bilimsel Katkılar

Paper Presentation, entitled “Impact ofExternal Locus ofControl and Chance Beliefon Perceptual Processes” in 20th April 2015 at 29th EFPSA (European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations) Congress 18-25th April 2015 themed “Back to the Roots of Psychology and Sexuality” in Srni, Kasperske Hory, Czech Republic.

Workshop, entitled “Values & Self-discovery” in 2ndMay 2016 at 30th EFPSA (European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations) Congress 1st– 8th May 2016 themed Decoding Emotions – from science to practice” in Vimeiro, Portugal.

Workshop, entitled “Let your emotions flow into your public speaking” in 6th May 2016 at 30thEFPSA (European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations) Congress 1st– 8th May 2016 themed Decoding Emotions – from science to practice” in Vimeiro, Portugal. 


Eğitim Videoları

Daha Önce Eğitim Verdiği Bazı Konu Başlıkları

Toplum Önünde Konuşma, Dönüşmcü Liderik, Duygusal Zeka, Şiddetsiz İletişim, Motivasyon, Stratejik Planlama, Vizyon & Misyon, Girişimcilik, İşlevsiz İnançlar, Yeniden Çerçeveleme, Toplantı Yönetimi, Sunum Becerileri, Atölye Çalışmalarında Zorlu Durumlar, Değerler, Cesaret ve Özgüven, Takım Olmak, Bağlanma, Ayrımcılık, Hikaye Anlatımı, Kültürel ve Dini Ortaklıklar, Sunum Becerileri, Geri-Bildirim Alma ve Verme, Yaygın Eğitim, Yetişkin Eğitimi, Eğitim Tasarımı, Kolaylaştırıcılık, Eğitmen Etiği/Tutumu, Eğitim Fırsatları, Eğitmen Havuzu Yönetimi, Mentorluk, Fikir Geliştirme, Proje Hazırlığı, Kariyer Planlama, Doğaçlama, Motive Etme, Lider Yetiştirme, Öz-Şefkat, Farklı Müşterilerle Çalışmak, Duygu Yönetimi, Mülakat Teknikleri, Öğrenmeyi Öğrenme, Zaman Yönetimi, Yaratıcı Düşünce, Mülakat Performansı, Kurumsal İletişim, Kurum-içi İş Birliği.

Danışmanlık Alanları

Yönetici Danışmanlığı
Toplum Önünde Konuşma
CRM Mülakatı
Kariyer Planlama 


  • TPÖÇG Joint EB and MR Camp [2015] held by TPÖÇG (26-28 August 2015) in Zonguldak, Turkey
  • The Ultimate Entrepreneur” Training Course held by Champions Factory (31 – 6 Sept. 2015) in Istanbul, Turkey

  • Mind the Mind to Combat the Stigma of Mental Disorders held by EFPSA (2015-2018) in many cities in Turkey

  • Trainers’ Forum held by BEST local Milan (04-07 December 2015) in Milan, Italy

  • I See the Sky Youth Exchange held by Grup Hayallerinin Pesinde (Jan 1-September 30 2015) in Canakkale, Turkey

  • TPÖÇG Train the Trainers Summer School [2016] held by TPÖÇG (24-31 August 2016) in Antalya, Turkey

  • TPÖÇG Joint EB and MR Camp [2016] held by TPÖÇG (2- 6 January 2016) in Antalya, Turkey

  • 5th Train the New Trainers held by CEEM (Spanish Medicine Students) (28-01 November 2016) in Albacete, Spain

  • Allow Communication & Contact Especially to my Social Scope held by (18- 26 November 2016) in Çanakkale, Turkey

  • Istanbul University Motivation Day held by Istanbul University Psychology Club (18 Aprıl 2016) in Istanbul, Turkey

  • TPÖÇG Summit organized by TPÖÇG (21-24 April 2016) in Antalya, Turkey

  • 30th EFPSA Congress held by EFPSA (1st-08 May 2016) in Vimeiro, Portugal

  • TPÖÇG Academy organized by TPÖÇG (18-21 August 2016) in Mersin, Turkey

  • EFPSA EB & MR Meeting organized by EFPSA (29-06 November 2016) in Fuzine, Croatia

  • Seminar on Counseling held by Selimiye Psychological Counseling Service (17 November 2017) in Istanbul, Turkey

  • Better Together Training Day held by METU (ODTÜ) Psychology Students (26 November 2017) in Nicosia, Cyprus

  • Protectorship Project by Turkish Youth Foundation (TÜGVA) (13-16 December 2017) in Istanbul, Turkey

  • We Became One to Be Brother for Orphan” by Humanitarian Relief Foundation (23 January 2018) in Rize, Turkey

  • Construction of the Youth” by Tittering Association (Tebessüm Dernegi) (10 February 2018) in Istanbul, Turkey

Kongreler, Konferanslar & Eğitimler

  1. 3-4 March 2018, Istanbul, Turkey

    “Autogenic Relaxation Therapy” held by Alev Ünel

    24 October 2017, Istanbul, Turkey

    “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)” which was delivered by Dr.Robyn Walser and Louise McHugh held by Psiart

    20-29 July 2017, Malatya, Turkey

    “Tears of the women” held by Zift Association

    23-30 April 2017, Gakh, Azerbaijan

    “31th Annual EFPSA Congress” titled “Humanity Today” held by European Federation of Psychology Student Association

    30 December- 5 November 2016, Fuzine, Croatia

    EFPSA Joint EB & MR Meeting which held by European Federation of Psychology Student Association

    18 August 2016, Adana, Turkey

    “Mindfulness” that represents 8 training hours which was delivered by Dr. Zümre Atalay, held by Çag University.

    28-29 May 2016, Istanbul, Turkey

    “Creativity Through Art and Dance” held by Ruh Sagligi Dernegi

    20 May 2016, Istanbul, Turkey

    Symposium: “On The Psychosocial Needs of Refugees” held by European Federation Psychologists Associations (EFSA) and Turkish Psychologists Association (TPD)

    01-08 May 2016, Vimeiro, Portugal

    “30th Annual EFPSA Congress” titled “Decoding Emotions from science to practice” held by European Federation of Psychology Student Association

    22-24 April 2016, Antalya, Turkey

    “TPÖÇG General Assembly 2015” which is held by Turkish Psychology Students’ Association

    12- 20 March 2016, Krakow, Poland

    “Train the Advanced Trainers” titled “Organizational Ecosystems“ which held by European Federation of Psychology Student Associations

    03-08 December 2015, Milan, Italy

    “Trainers’ Forum 2015 ” held by BEST Milan Local

    13-17 October 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

    “Multidisplinary Conference” held by Future Academy and approved by The British Psychological Society Learning Centre

    8-15 August 2015, Babina Reka, Serbia

    “EFPSA Train the Trainers Summer School 2015” which held by European Federation of Psychology Student Associations

    1-9 July 2015,Banska Stiavnica, Slovakia

    “DESTIGMA – Stop Stigma of Physical Diseases” which held by STEFANI organization

    1-3 May 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

    “TPÖÇG General Assembly 2015” which is held by Kemerburgaz University

    18-25 April 2015, Srni, Sumava, Czech Republic

    “29th Annual EFPSA Congress” titled “Back to the Roots of Psychology and Sexuality” which is accredited by Association of Clinical Psychologist and held by European Federation of Psychology Student Associations


    02 April 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

    “Psychology Student Exchange Programme” held by Koç University Psychology Club

    22-25 October 2014, Kyrnia, Cyprus

    “International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology” which held by Future Academy and approved by The British Psychological Society Learning Centre

    01-04 December 2014, Antalya, Turkey

    “International Congress on Clinical & Counselling Psychology” which held by Future Academy and approved by The British Psychological Society Learning Centre

    22-25 October 2014, Kyrnia, Cyprus

    “International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology” which held by Future Academy and approved by The British Psychological Society Learning Centre

    01-04 December 2014, Antalya, Turkey

    “International Congress on Clinical & Counselling Psychology” which held by Future Academy and approved by The British Psychological Society Learning Centre

    14 December 2014, Istanbul, Turkey

    “Psychological Trauma and Its Treatment Training Programme” which held by Istanbul Centre for Behaviour Research & Therapy

    04-12 October 2014, Strumica, Macedonia

    “Empowering Young Jobseekers” organized by Center for sustainability and advanced education Bitola, R.Macedonia.

    18-25 August 2014, Tokat, Turkey

    “The Dialogue Agents” organized by Team Ycity

    4-10 August 2014, Slanic Moldova, Romania

    “T.A.K.E – Tools for Active Knowledge on Entrepreneurship” organized by ADDO organization

    20-27th July 2014, Uri, Italy

    “In Non-formal Education We Trust” organized by MV NGO

    24-31 May 2014, Berovo, Macedonia

    ‘’Transformational Leadership Foundations Programme’’ held by Lucca Leadership Macedonia

    12 January 2014, Adana, Turkey

    ‘’Peace Conference’’ organized by International Rotary 2430.District

    11 December 2013, Mersin, Turkey

    ’’Micro Body Language’’, ‘’Diction’’ and ‘’Professional Communication ‘’ which is held by KariyerSokagı


    02-05 October 2013, Antalya, Turkey

    “International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology” which is held by C-crcs approved by The British Psychological Society Learning Centre

    06-09 August 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

    “International Congress on Clinical and Counselling Psychology“ which is held by C-crcs approved by The British Psychological Society Learning Centre

    06-09 August 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

    ‘‘Working with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-CBT’’ that represents 3 CPD training hours which is held by C-crcs approved by The British Psychological Society Learning Centre

    06-09 August 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

    ‘’A new Approach to Psychological Disturbances: Positive Psychology and Treatment Models’’ that represents 3 CPD training hours which is held by C-crcs approved by The British Psychological Society Learning Centre

    06-09 August 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

    ‘’Bio energy Economy and integral approach to health’’ that represent 3 CPD training hours which is held by C-crcs approved by The British Psychological Society Learning Centre

    25-28 January 2013, Bursa, Turkey

    “TPÖÇG General Assembly 2013” which is held by Uludag University

    11-21 July 2011, Adana, Turkey

    Master Practitioner of the Art and Science of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming held by Adana NLP Personal Development and Counselling Centre

    09-19 July 2010, Adana, Turkey

    Practitioner of the Art and Science of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming held by Adana NLP Personal Development   and Counselling Centre